Postgraduate Courses
The Department of Polymer Chemistry holds 46 postgraduate students at the master course and 15 at the doctor course per year and is ready to accept students and research associates from foreign countries.
The postgraduate students are taking the lectures and learning the advanced research activities. The students are also involved in the programs on research methodology and writing papers to the world leading journals as well as preparing research presentations. The programs have links with industry and academic societies both domestic and international for inviting lecturers and participating to the international research congresses for stimulating postgraduate research activities. Additionally, the postgraduate course provides opportunities on research presentation to individual students for evaluation.
Postgraduate students of the department will keep working actively in Japanese academy and industry after finishing their course. The following figure shows the directions the postgraduate students took for last 3 year after completing their course.
Figure. Directions after completion of the postgraduate courses
(left:Master course, right:Doctor course)